電子物質科学特別講義第二 : 電子物質科学専攻 後期 時間外

Electronics and materials science have been gradually shifting into nanoscale dimensions (<100 nm). For instance, transistors in present-day ICs have typical size of only a few tens of nanometers and even less. However, the phenomena that occur in nanoscale and at atomic scale are dramatically different than phenomena at larger scales and require different approaches. In this special lecture, we explore the special characteristics of nanostructures and nanodevices.The aim is also to set up a broad basis for understanding the development of applications for electronics, in a global research environment.

種別: シラバス授業科目
要約:Electronics and materials science have been gradually shifting into nanoscale dimensions (<100 nm). For instance, transistors in present-day ICs have typical size of only a few tens of nanometers and even less. However, the phenomena that occur in nanoscale and at atomic scale are dramatically different than phenomena at larger scales and require different approaches. In this special lecture, we explore the special characteristics of nanostructures and nanodevices.The aim is also to set up a broad basis for understanding the development of applications for electronics, in a global research environment.
注記:2022年度 総合研工学専攻 [EN-M] - 電子物質科学/Electronics and Material Science
